Friday, 24 May 2013

zoomadog mobile apps

zoomadog mobile apps

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mobile users and applications are on the rise and business owners need better ways to communicate to their patrons to stay competitive. what could be better then sending content directly to your customer's mobile device and leveraging social media. the average mobile user spends 94 minutes a day on their phone and there are now over 33 billion phones on the market. as a result, mobile applications have become a competitive tool to gain an advantage over your competition.try telling someone to find your business on the web using theirmobile phone... They'll say, no thanks, letme download your app now you can create your own content on the zoomadog cms server and deliver your contentinstantly to anyone who downloads your app. patrons can download your app for free from the apple app storeor googleplay soon as it downloads, you'llbe able toshowcaseyour company along with the content you created.your patrons can now read about your events, yourdaily specials and so much more.most importantly, your app stays in their phone and provides instant access to your business. below you will find more information aboutthe zoomadog content management server and the various mobile business apps that we've developed.

one more thing... If you forgot to add that special item to your menu no problem, even afer yourapphas beenuploaded and approved in the app stores, you can still log into the cms server andcreate new menus,launchnew pictures or even build a whole new marketingimag......Read More detail


