Wednesday, 22 May 2013

golf game method book putting scoring clubs teeing off golf instruction ebook to score in the 70s improve your country club score

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this method works on the premise of teaching the key fundamentals, or elements which are present in all good golf games, and it teaches these elements one at a time in their proper sequence <p

raise your country club golf score the common denominator (from the author/founder) "through extensive observation, i found a common denominator among all golfers, and once i finally realized what that common denominator was, i just couldn't believe how "obvious" and simple it all was. as in any puzzle or "discovery" the piece, or idea was right in front of my eyes all the time " <p

"this method is based upon this observable fact (common denominator). so the next thing to do was to test this idea to see if this method really worked. and the answer? yes it did, and in spades i saw changes in minutes and hours, and huge big smiles on peoples faces. handicaps were being cut in half within weeks " other methods more about "from the ground up" complete game what people are saying guarantee how to order contents order goto top other methods (excerpt from book) "my method does not start with the grip i believe the bane of all other golfing methods is to put the club in the golfers hands first. that is not to say that the grip is not important, but the way to learn something is thru the proper sequence and proper gradient the funny thing is, is that there are many methods which contain all the information you'd ever need to develop a good game, but even the best ones i've seen, or......Read More detail


emergency golf swing - home

emergency golf swing - home

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it's the fastest way to get a beginner out on the course it will save your round even if you've been playing for decades

never have a bad day on the golf course again why the emergency golf swing works so well: 1 the emergency golf swing eliminates almost all of the swing mistakes that golfers commonly make. 2 the emergency golf swing eliminates all the bad stance moves you normally make (swaying, dipping, incorrect weight shift, etc.)

3 the emergency golf swing encourages a more compact swing which is good because most golfers get into trouble (for example, off-plane) at the top of their backswing trying to get to all the way back to horizontal.

4 the emergency golf swing is extremely consistent because the bottom of your swing arc is always in the same place. Do not worry about ball position because if you are in balance at address your ball position fine.

5 the emergency golf swing set-up almost makes you to make an on-plane straight down the middle swing every time.

6 the set-up make you have a good core turn because if you try to “arm swing” you will feel yourself going off balance.

7 this emergency golf swing will give you a very stable base to enable a powerful swing. Done correctly, it will give you solid and straight shots a very, very high percentage of time. It automatically helps get your swing back “in synch”.

significantly increases your accuracy and consistency the emergency golf swing wil......Read More detail

electric golf cart battery guide | golf cart batteries maintenance

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save time and money achieve m aximum performance obtain a longer battery life to find out how, please listen now (please note: you might need to wait a little for the audio to load) you can "instantly" download this 40 page ebook to ensure your batteries work for you save money by having the best possible return on your battery investment? and most importantly, save time and money this fully detailed guide will show you how you can save money by obtaining the maximum benefit on your golf cart battery investment

"the best written manual on maintaining your electric golf cart batteries " " i own my own book and refer to it often. It's an ebook that you can download and refer to instantly ."

here's two of the most overlooked ways of ensuring the operation of your electric golf cart c hoosing the right golf cart batteries and knowing how to properly service your golf cart's non-sealed, lead acid batteries

don't let battery breakdown problems happen to you are you aware that the most common breakdown problem with an electric-powered golf cart is probably the batteries? would you like to have no unexpected downtime that may cost you time, money and ruin your day? discover how to double or triple the life of your golf cart's non sealed, lead acid, deep cycle batteries? well, here is the most important factor........

this guide will save you time and money a lack of knowledge about basic golf cart non sealed lead acid battery maintenance can lead to all ki......Read More detail

finally down the middle | scratch golf school

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professional instructors and players have debated a secret for decades. They have attempted to explain how the best ball strikers on the pga and lpga tours hit the ball long and straight, without much effort. Experts call it the magic move, the one move that is consistent with every great player.

scratch golf school believes the most important move in golf is the first move on the downswing. It is the initial transfer from backswing to downswing that sets the club in the correct delivery position before impact. By using the move correctly you will see extraordinary results, such as more power and accuracy off the tee.

is there a move that can dramatically change your swing? yes. maxing out distance has a lot to do with an important parameter called attack angle. According to trackman, attack angle is the vertical angle at which the club head is moving at impact. With a driver you want to hit the ball when the club is going up. That is called hitting the ball on the upswing. There are a number of benefits with a positive attack angle. It allows the player to use a less lofted driver without sacrificing a higher launch. The result is less spin and much more distance.

the best way to maximize distance with your driver is to catch the ball on the upswing. One of the best tips is tilting your spine away from the target and lowering your right shoulder. This has several benefits such as encouraging a weight transfer into the right leg on the backswing, a takeaw......Read More detail

